
Wreck This Deck: A Game Of Demon Summoning And Deck Crafting

Created by Black Armada Games

Funding a print version of the popular solo journaling ttrpg. Summon and bind demons by defacing playing cards. #WreckThisDeckRPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Closing message
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 08:22:01 AM

Hi everyone

We're basically done fulfilling the Wreck This Deck campaign*, so I wanted to put out a final message to say thank you so much for helping make the game a reality and in particular, for those who have been vigorously playing and discussing it online, thank you for making this one of the most active communities our games have ever had. It's wonderful to see and we're really grateful.

While I'm here, I'd like to mention some links to other stuff we're doing:
  • We have a Patreon where we create a small game every month. The Patreon is how Wreck This Deck was originally created. It's a very cheap way to get our small games ahead of everyone else so check it out.
  • We are currently crowdfunding Lovecraftesque on Backerkit, it's currently about 250% funded, and we'd love it if you backed the game. If you like creepy emergent eldritch mystery, playable without prep either solo or in a group, go back it.
  • You can find our other games on our website (together with our blog), on itchio and on drivethruRPG.
  • You can find us on social media: as Black Armada on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even YouTube and TikTok, or if you want to follow us individually, Becky is usually BeckyA or BeckyAnnison, and Josh is usually Armadajosh, provided someone else hasn't already taken it.
  • We also have an Actual Play podcast called Black Armada Tales where we play our own games and other cool indie stuff. It's got a lovely vibe and snackable bite-size episodes, and if you like AP you won't be disappointed.
  • Finally, no link but we're part of the UK Indie League, a group that turns up to conventions to sell our games. If you're ever at Dragonmeet or UK Games Expo, we'd love it if you stopped by and said hi.

I also want to share all the key Wreck This Deck links again:

Thanks once again, and may your bindings be ever strong.

Blessed are the deck runners.

Josh (and Becky)

*There's a couple of custom cards outstanding which we expect to send imminently, and one or two lost orders that we're chasing up, plus a few late surveys, but basically we're there.

US fulfilment is go!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 05:45:01 AM

Hey folks

Just a quick update to say that US orders have now begun shipping, with estimated delivery times between 4-8 days depending on the destination. Backers should have received an email with a tracking number - let us know if you haven't.

That means the vast majority of pledges are now shipped and on their way. Art prints were shipped 2 weeks ago and most seem to be in transit. That leaves the wrecked cards, which are in progress.

We're really pleased at how smoothly the campaign has gone and we hope you enjoy the game :)

Blessed are the deck runners!

Becky and Josh

US fulfilment - slight delay
about 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 01:54:01 AM

Hi folks

This is just to let you all know that delivery has been delayed on the US side. It appears that convention season stretched out longer, and with more disruption, than I had been led to believe. I had been assured that delivery would start by 25 August, and then by 1 September, and now I'm told that everything is boxed up and ready to go but delivery hasn't yet commenced.

I do apologise for raising expectations unduly - this is as unexpected to me as it is to you. Since everything appears to be ready to go, I'm expecting delivery to commence imminently. I'll update again once I've got word that the packages are on their way out into the world.
Best wishes

Josh (and Becky)

Shipping update - US backers, finalize your addresses!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 12:47:45 AM

Hey folks

Things are progressing well with shipping Wreck This Deck:
  • Non-US orders have shipped, and we're starting to see UK copies appearing in the wild. If you're elsewhere, let us know if your copy arrives! Bonus points for sharing a photo on social media - we love to see this :)
  • US copies are on their way to Indie Press Revolution in Nevada. They're due to arrive next Friday (25 August), so fulfilment should start the following week.
  • Higher tier pledges are also in train - if you pledged for an art print or wrecked card, you should have received a separate email from me about this.

If you're a USican backer, please do make sure you complete your survey by the end of this week, as I'll be locking down a fulfilment spreadsheet on Monday. If you've already completed your survey but expect to change address, let us know and we can make sure your zine doesn't get lost.

We're nearly there!
Best wishes

Josh and Becky

Latest progress - printing and shipping
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 07:55:51 AM

Hey folks

Just a quick update to keep you posted on where we are.
  • Wreck This Deck has completed printing and been despatched to our UK warehouse. That's a few days later than planned.
  • It should in theory arrive at our UK warehouse tomorrow.
  • Once received, we're told it should take 5 working days to ship the books - i.e. should be complete by the end of next week.
  • UK backers might therefore expect to see zines arriving the week after, week commencing 22 August.
  • A bulk shipment will be sent to Indie Press Revolution in the US - as previously mentioned, that will mean they arrive a bit later than those to UK customers. My guess is shipping might start around 22 August, but I'll keep you updated on that.
  • For the rest of the world, your zines are coming to you direct from the UK, but it's very varied how long that takes.

While I'm here: you might have seen that we've started trailing our next campaign, for Lovecraftesque second edition.

Lovecraftesque is a very exciting game: it creates chilling eldritch mysteries that keep the whole table in suspense right until the end: the story emerges over a single session as if by magic without any prep, planning or discussion. The first edition was critically acclaimed, won the Gioco Dell’Anno (Game Of The Year) award, was a finalist in the IGDN indie groundbreakers, and influenced a generation of mystery games like Brindlewood Bay, Apocalypse Keys and Bleak Spirit. We’re crowdfunding a new second edition boxed set, building on the lessons from the first to make an even slicker, more inspiring, easier-to-learn experience, with brand new art and a plethora of exciting new scenarios for the game. By the way, the new edition can be played solo, so if you liked Wreck This Deck you might enjoy this too. You can follow the campaign here.

With that sales pitch out of the way, I want to assure you that delivering on Wreck This Deck remains our main focus right now. Assuming you've completed your survey and paid for shipping, your game should be in your hands well before the new campaign launches, as should any extras you've pledged for.

As always, we're very grateful for your support and looking forward to sending you your zine.
Best wishes

Josh and Becky