
Wreck This Deck: A Game Of Demon Summoning And Deck Crafting

Created by Black Armada Games

Funding a print version of the popular solo journaling ttrpg. Summon and bind demons by defacing playing cards. #WreckThisDeckRPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wreck This Deck is shipping soon - time to lock down your addresses!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 08:47:50 AM

Hello everyone!

Exciting news: the print proof of Wreck This Deck arrived early and it looks great. As such we are placing our order with Print.Work. More detail below but the headline message is non-US backers need to finalise their shipping address by the end of this week.

The full set of zines should arrive at our UK warehouse at the end of next week.

Shipping will take place in two tranches:
  • Orders to addresses outside the USA will be shipped from Kixto in the UK, starting around 7 August. We want to give them a week to get everything set up so will lock addresses at the end of this week.
  • Orders to US addresses will first be shipped to IPR. I'm expecting that to start shipping a week later, around 14 August. You'll have a bit longer to finalise addresses, and we'll send out another warning when the deadline is approaching.

We will send out a 48-hour warning ahead of locking the addresses. Once the addresses are locked, you will need to contact us directly to make any changes.

If you are changing address around the window described above, drop us a message and we'll sort something out.

Here is a pretty picture of the print zine! Can't wait to get them into your hands!

Blessed are the deck runners

Becky and Josh

Latest progress - printing
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 01:26:14 AM

Hey folks

A brief update on where we are. We've got almost 90% of surveys in now which means we have the critical mass of shipping info that we need to get things moving. If you've completed your survey, thank you for that, and in theory you should have received the PDF of the game within 24 hours of completion if not faster. If you haven't, I'd encourage you to do so, as this will unlock your PDF copy and ensure there's no delays getting you the print zine.

Earlier this week we updated the print files to reflect an erratum caught by a backer (thank you) and have now ordered a print proof. That's estimated to arrive at the end of the month, but as we're away for a week around that time, we may not get to see it until early August. (I'm going to see whether I can get the printer to expedite this so we get it before we go away, but there's no guarantees.)

Once we've seen the print proof, assuming there are no issues with it, we'll be able to order the full print run. That ought to take another week or two to arrive, and then we can start shipping. So realistically, we're likely looking at the end of August for UK backers to get their zines, a bit later for other parts of the world.

That's a bit slower than we'd hoped but not bad given we only closed the campaign on 29 June. We'll update you again when we order the full print run.

We'd also like to highlight the amazing community engagement we've been seeing. The unofficial Facebook group, Black Armada discord, Unofficial WTD discord and Twitter Hashtag are absolutely humming with activity! It's very cool to see. There's also now an unofficial Wreck This Deck Reddit so check that out. If you want to see other people playing the game and connect with them (in or out of character!) then jump on one of those communities.

As always, thanks for your support.

Blessed are the deck runners.

Becky and Josh

Wreck This Deck - claim your PDF copy!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 01:13:23 PM

Hi everyone

The moment has finally arrived! I've just started the "smoke test", which will send out backer surveys to 5% of you. This is to check there aren't any errors with the survey. Once we've seen that responses are coming in ok, we'll send out the survey to everyone else, so whichever group you're in, you should get your survey in the next 48 hours.

Completing the survey is required to unlock your digital downloads, so please fill it in at your earliest convenience. Once you've completed the survey you should automatically receive the download link for Wreck This Deck PDF, along with digital versions of any add-ons you've purchased, within 24 hours.

In order to release the PDFs, we have to lock orders for shipping - this is what triggers the download links to be sent out. This will mean you can't amend your order or update your address. If you need to add anything to your order or amend your address, just reach out to us or Backerkit and we can fix it.

This also means we'll be ordering the print zines in the next week or so, and shipping will commence soon after. I'll update you again when shipping starts!

Thanks once again for supporting Wreck This Deck - we're really excited to share it with you.

Blessed are the deck runners.

Becky and Josh

Sitrep re: digital downloads (and everything else)
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 09:49:29 AM

Hello everyone!

We've had quite a few people asking when the final PDF version of the game will arrive, so I wanted to give you an update of where we are on that.

Essentially, we are waiting for Backerkit-related admin to be complete to release the PDFs. This has three aspects:
  • We need the Backerkit payments to clear. Backerkit advise waiting 14 days for this after the campaign closes. I'm talking to them to understand what will happen if we just go ahead without waiting the full 14 days, because it feels excessive to me, but I don't want to do it until I'm clear on that.
  • We need the survey and associated details set up. This was done earlier today, and I'm just waiting for Backerkit to do their checks on it, which they say will take 2 business days.
  • We need to finalise the shipping cost tables on Backerkit - obviously this only applies to print pledges, but we have to do it for everyone before we can make the survey go live. In particular we're waiting on a final number for US shipping, which is dependent on getting some final details about the printer. But I'm hoping to have that today.

So I'm hopeful that we can get the above sorted out quickly. I know there are a lot of you champing at the bit to get going with Wreck This Deck and I feel your pain! We do encourage you to use the version 1 PDF which you'll find in the last backer update, if you want to start playing the game.

While I'm here, an update on printing and shipping. As I mentioned above we're waiting for some final details about the printer but once those are resolved we should be able to arrange printing very swiftly. I'm expecting it to take about 1-2 weeks for the printed copies to arrive at our UK warehouse. We then expect it to take 2-5 weeks to arrive, depending where in the world you are, and noting that international shipping can vary a lot around that expected number.

You should hear from me again sometime next week with an update on where we are.

Blessed are the deck runners.


End of campaign message
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 01:15:20 PM

Hello everyone!

It has been a surprising and delightful campaign for us. The success of Wreck This Deck surpassed our expectations and we're very grateful.

We will get to work fulfilling the campaign very swiftly. The PDF version of the game is ready and we just need to wait for Backerkit to complete its processes before we send it out to you. The print version will be a little slower, but not much; we just need to see some test prints and finalise shipping before we send out surveys and commence shipping soon after.

In the mean-time, for anyone who hasn't already grabbed it from the first backer update, you can find the old version of the game below. It contains everything you need to play, and is just missing some additional content produced for the print edition, plus of course the lovely new layout and art.

You might also be interested to know about the growing number of communities where you can connect with other deck runners:
It's well worth checking these out as you'll find all sorts of informal resources and information-sharing going on.

Thanks again for supporting the campaign and we can't wait to share the finished game with you.
Blessed are the deck runners

Becky and Josh
Black Armada Games